
workshop meeting, “Safe Cross Border
Transportation of Hazardous Materials: Orphan
Radioactive Sources”
May 3, 2019 | Grand Hotel Palace Thessaloniki, Greece

GrTNO 0933E60000073100
1st STRASS workshop meeting
May 3, 2019 | Thessaloniki, Greece
Dear partners, collaborators and stakeholders,
On behalf of the Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, we would like to invite you and participate in the 1st STRASS workshop meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece.
The main objective of this project entitled “Safe Cross Border Transportation of Hazardous Materials: Orphan Radioactive Sources” is the following:
Non-experts in the radiological field, such as front line officers, will be familiarized with radiation detection, radiation hazards, and measuring and relaying technical information obtained from instruments for subsequent analysis by the scientific experts. Scientific experts from different disciples are needed carrying out the above target and to minimize any risks of accidents and pollution from hazardous materials.
This meeting will try to clarify the steps and the road map that is needed to be followed for implementing the above main objective. Subjects that will be discussed would be:
· Radiological measurements and simulations in Border Station
· Identification and minimization of traffic accident risks at motorway Thessaloniki-Evzoni
· Harmonization of Emergency Response Protocols
· Dissemination of the project
· Problems difficulties during the implementation and ways to overcome them
The main groups targeted by the project activities are: Customs; border police; drivers; active citizens aware of hazardous materials transportations and health risks; public health advocacy groups; local communities that will be protected from dispersion of pollution after an accident and finally engineers involved in all stages of transportation.
The workshop meeting will be held in Grand Hotel Palace, Monastiriou 305, Thessaloniki Greece.
We are looking forward to seeing you
On behalf of the Lead Partner
(Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki)
Assc. prof. Stelios Xanthos